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CuteClips 3

Today i attended to a Leopard Tech-Talk and I’ve made a decision for CuteClips 3 based on that Tech-Talk: CuteClips 3 will be Leopard only!

Ok first of all, this doesn’t mean that i wouldn’t fix the existing bugs in CuteClips 2! There’re some strange bugs and i still try to fix them, but the code is a bit crappy now and i started to write CuteClips 3 from ground up. The reason for the 10.5 only decision is simple: there’re several very interesting and time saving features in leopard that i want to use and that makes it impossible for CuteClips 3 to run on anything prior to 10.5. However, the old version will still be available then and you can still use it.

I plan to add some very neat features to CuteClips 3 that should really improve the user-experience and that should make CuteClips even better, so stay tuned.
If you need some more specific description on the decision of a developer to make an app 10.5 only, then have a look at the Macromates blog [1] from the TextMate [2] maker.
