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Mighty Mouse

I’m a Mighty Mouse user…this mouse simply rocks! Apple did a great job designing this mouse. It fits very good into a hand, looks very simple and is really useful. Apple always had a one button mouse. The Mighty Mouse still looks like one, and it’s configured as a one-button mouse by default. But it can be configured as a 4 button mouse as well. I really like that design!

One thing that I really love is the scroll-ball, very small, fits perfect under the finger and scrolls very nicely…even with a cool clicking that you can even feel with your fingers.

One thing that I really hate is the scroll-ball, too small, catches all the dirt from your finger and fails to scroll when it’s too dirty…and no clicking that can be heard or felt then.

Yesterday I wanted to clean my Mighty Mouse’ scroll-ball for the second time. I noticed that the glue that I used for sealing the case, was a bit too strong. The original glue kinda snapped off under some pressure, but the glue I used when I cleaned the Mighty Mouse for the first time was different and didn’t want to snap off as well.

It was a pain to put the small scroll-ball in place again after I finished the cleaning. Unfortunately the conductor that connects the scroll-ball to the logic-board tore apart and now the scroll-ball doesn’t work at all. It’s a pity, cause there’s no way for me to fix this, and now I have to work without my Mighty Mouse.

Amazon already got the order for a new one, I hope they deliver till tuesday 🙁
