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Just some hours ago I got to Munich for tomorrow’s CocoaDevHouse. I guess it will be pretty interesting… there’ll be a talk about core data, maybe I finally understand it 😉

On the way here in the train I had some time to work on CuteClips and fixed some bugs, one of them was a badly drawn bezierpath with rounded corners. It was like the edges were drawn with anti aliasing and the corners with very blurry anti aliasing.

Bad pic

I tried the bezierpath in a different view today and it looked pretty normal, just like one would expect it. Then i noticed that the edge was not directly on a pixel, but rather in between two pixels. The problem I has was simply that the bezierpath was clipped and thus the round corners looked much thicker than the edges. I inset the rect that was used to create the bezierpath and boom, it worked 😉

Good pic
