Checking invisibility of a file

December 8th, 2006 by Michele

This NSWorkspace extension add the method “isInvisibleFileAtPath:” to NSWorkspace class. To use it just call that method with a valid pathname you will return a boolean telling you if the file is invisible or not. This method is the union of many partial ways of checking if a file is invisible, which are available on forums. This was needed because Mac OS X has many way of making a file invisible. Note that some paths are hardcoded. Those files apparently do not have any invisible flag, yet they are invisible in Finder.

Download NSWorkspace “isInvisibleFileAtPath:” Extension

Converting byte sizes into human readable strings

December 8th, 2006 by Michele

The attached class is an NSFormatter subclass and is useful for taking a size expressed in byte like “2048” and convert it to an human readable string like “2 KB”. It supports unit of measures up to the Terabyte. Note that this class assumes it receives as input an NSNumber or any object that responds to floatValue. Backward translation is also not implemented (and wouldn’t probably make sense as informations are going to be lost anyways).

Download BRByteFormatter Class


December 8th, 2006 by Michele

We are proud to announce the opening of briksoftware’s official weblog. Here we’ll post news about our products, ideas for new applications, snippets of code and just whatever comes in our mind. Hope you have fun here and find useful stuff.

Cheers from Michele and Karsten from briksoftware.