Activating Applications with shortcuts

I’m using Cmd-Tab to cycle through my apps really often…in fact my left hand always sits on the keyboard and Cmd-Tab and Cmd-< is probably one of the most shortcuts used here to cycle through apps and windows. I don’t know why I just hit the option key while releasing the Cmd-Tab, but the result was pretty cool: It’s just like clicking the application’s icon in the dock!

I always wondered why apps just activate when you Cmd-Tab to them, but activating them in the dock always works a little bit different: in Mail it opens the main window if no window is open; in Safari it opens a new window if none is open. So pressing the option key when you want to release Cmd-Tab also does this.

The only downside is: it’s a bit tricky to do actually, especially as you can’t hold down option to activate the application cycling.

nice hidden modifier 😉


2 Responses to “Activating Applications with shortcuts”

  1. Martin Says:

    Yay, nice one. As for the downside, I often have both hands on the keyboard, so I can just use the right hand for timely option presses. 🙂

  2. Karsten Says:

    well on my notebook keyboard is no option-key on the right :-D…but in general a good workaround for breaking fingers on desktop keyboards 🙂